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More Quebec poultry infected with avian flu

CFIA did not disclose the size of the flock or the type of poultry involved.

Ottawa should help B.C. create better flood relief plan, Senate report finds

Disaster affected more than 1,000 farms, 2.5 million livestock.

To feed or not to feed? Bird lovers are getting conflicting advice

Government agencies say poultry farms with nearby feeders are the most at risk.
Annex Bookstore

Egg Signals

Egg Signals follows the egg’s progress through all the links in the chain, from poultry farmer to packer, processor, and consumer. It describes the creation of the egg’s unique composition.

Egg Signals uses 650 photographs and images to illustrate the basis of thinking about quality, and describes how to act accordingly. This book employs real-life cases taken directly from practice, leading to satisfied poultry professionals and happy consumers.

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Featured Articles 

Micromanagement: Trace minerals in layers

Not all micronutrients are created equal when it comes to layer diets. The mineral source, inorganic or organic, impacts the availability of the nutrients to laying hens. Trouw Nutrition, that includes the Shur-Grain brand in Canada, has completed a new research study to evaluate the impact of adjusting mineral sources on layer performance. » Read more...

Easing the transition away from antibiotics

New research from the University of Guelph shows that broiler chicken producers can transition to production systems with minimal or no antibiotics without impacting bird performance. Researchers evaluated commercially available gut health programs for broilers to gain a better understanding of what impacts they have on birds. » Read more...