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MMMM d, yyyy

Progressive Components founder Don Starkey Sr. passes away

Don Starkey Sr., the founder of Wauconda, Ill.-based mold components supplier Progressive Components, has died at the age of 84.

Vortex founder Loren Neil Peterson dies at 87

A mechanical engineer, Paterson founded Vortex in 1977, developing a new type of slide grate called an Orifice Gate.

Sepro establishes Swiss subsidiary

Called Sepro Switzerland, the daughter company will have an office east of Zurich.

Huntsman reports lower sales, higher profits for 2016

Total company sales for Woodlands, Tex.-based Huntsman dropped six per cent to less than US$9.7 billion in 2016, but the firm’s profit shot up to US$357 million compared to its 2015 level of US$126 million.
Special Reports 
Special Reports

Covertech Flexible Packaging’s backward integration into the future

When this Toronto-based extruded film maker purchased a packaging supplier four years ago, it didn’t just change its name; it changed its business. And business is now booming. » Read More
Special Reports

TRONOPLAST TECHNOLOGIES has a mandate to innovate

As part of its mandate to devote serious resources to R&D, Brampton, Ont.-based film extrusion technology supplier Tronoplast Technologies Inc. has relocated and expanded. » Read More

Plastics Recycling 2017

March 6-8, 2017
Location: New Orleans, LA » Read More

32nd Annual World Petrochemical Conference

March 20-24, 2017
Location: Houston, Tex. » Read More