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FEATURED NEWS: Diversco Suppy celebrates 30th anniversary
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ARA donates to Fort Mac fire relief

As part of the Disaster Matching Funds Program, the ARA Foundation has made a donation of US$3,000 to the Canadian Red Cross to assist in relief efforts for families, businesses and communities affected by the Fort McMurray wild fire. This matches a donation previously made by the Canadian Rental Association (CRA). >> Read full article

Boddez launches Five Bo

Jim Boddez is excited to announce the formation of a new solution provider to the rental industry. Five Bo Inc is offering "rental specific" consulting, training, inventory and acquisition services and is an agent for several equipment lines. >> Read full article

Hyundai Construction Equipment expands distribution network

Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas has announced the expansion of its North American authorized dealer network with the addition of four dealerships, including three in the United States and one in Canada. >> Read full article

Canadian Rental Association scholarship winners announced

The Canadian Rental Association and American Rental Association have announced their Canadian scholarship recipients for the 2016/2017 school year. The association offers scholarships to promising young people in the rental industry who wish to further their education in relevant fields. >> Read full article

Stärke Material adds Wayco to its dealership network

Stärke Material Handling Group has officially added Wayco Multi-Lift Inc. to its network of independent dealerships in Ontario, Canada. >> Read full article

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The support you need for superior uptime.

The Genie reputation is built upon doing what’s right for our customers. And when it comes to giving you aerial equipment, and the support you need for superior uptime, no one goes to greater heights than our dedicated teams. Trust in the difference we can make for you. >> Learn More

 Featured News 
Feature News

Diversco Suppy celebrates 30th anniversary

Diversco Supply celebrated its 30th anniversary with an open house at its Cambridge head office on June 6 and 7.

Around 300 customers and suppliers converged on the facility for two days of training, breakout sessions and demonstrations which showcased the company’s gas and gas equipment products. >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

ALQ Golf

August 17, 2016
Location: Club de golf La Prairie, Montreal >> More Info

CRA Manitoba Golf Tournament

August 18, 2016
Location: Southwood Golf and Country Club, Winnipeg, Man. >> More Info

CRA Atlantic Golf Tournament

August 28, 2016
Location: Indian Lake Golf Course, Hatchet Lake, N.S. >> More Info

CRA Ontario Golf Tournament

September 13, 2016
Location: Springfield Golf and Country Club, Guelph, Ont. >> More Info

CRA BC Golf Tournament

September 23, 2016
Location: The Redwoods Golf Course, Langley, B.C. >> More Info