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FEATURED NEWS: Strongco to sell U.S. subsidiary, cut staff and defer exec pay
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Weber MT appoints new Ontario sales manager

Weber MT, Inc. has announced Joey Tetarenko as the company’s new Regional Sales Manager for Ontario. >> Read full article

Bartell Global acquires CONTEC North America

Bartell Global has announced the acquisition of CONTEC North America. This expansion will allow for incredible opportunities for Bartell Global to better serve current and prospective customers. >> Read full article

Shoemaker announces retirement from Morbark

Morbark has announced that President, James W. Shoemaker Jr., has retired after 13 years with the company. >> Read full article

ARA revises rental forecast for Canada

The biggest change to the American Rental Association’s July forecast concerns Canada. Instead of projecting a decrease in total rental revenues in 2016 as it did in April, the ARA Rental Market Monitor now forecasts a 0.8 percent increase to $4.976 billion and total rental revenue in Canada is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4.2 percent over the 2016 to 2020 period. >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Feature News

Strongco to sell U.S. subsidiary, cut staff and defer exec pay

Strongco has announced that it intends to pursue the sale of 100 per cent of the shares of Chadwick-BaRoss for approximately US$12.75 million to ISH Capital, a minority shareholder. >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

ALQ Golf

August 17, 2016
Location: Club de golf La Prairie, Montreal >> More Info

CRA Manitoba Golf Tournament

August 18, 2016
Location: Southwood Golf and Country Club, Winnipeg, Man. >> More Info

CRA Atlantic Golf Tournament

August 28, 2016
Location: Indian Lake Golf Course, Hatchet Lake, N.S. >> More Info

CRA Ontario Golf Tournament

September 13, 2016
Location: Springfield Golf and Country Club, Guelph, Ont. >> More Info

CRA BC Golf Tournament

September 23, 2016
Location: The Redwoods Golf Course, Langley, B.C. >> More Info