It’s time to look at whether using leaf blowers in Toronto should be banned, the city’s infrastructure and environment committee decided Thursday.» Read more...
The urgency of attracting a new young workforce to the construction trades is looming ever larger. We’ve known for a while that the retiring Baby Boomer generation will leave a big hole in the workforce – one that Millennials seem reluctant to fill with their preference for technology-focused employment. Now the pandemic has created a huge new need for economic stimulus that will probably be met with infrastructure spending by governments. But who will do the work?» Listen here...
The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) was pleased to hear commitments by the federal government to invest in infrastructure and skilled training, secure jobs and support small and medium sized businesses.» Read more...
The American Rental Association (ARA) has announced that The ARA Show 2021 has been rescheduled for Oct. 18-20, 2021, at the Las Vegas Convention Center.» Read more...
Hard days don’t stop you from getting the job done. And as you go steel-toe-to-toe with every challenge, we’re here to help with no payments and no interest financing for 90 days on new John Deere Compact Construction Equipment. Because we’ve always got your back, for the long run.
In Nova Scotia's Antigonish County, residents have been familiar with Antigonish Rent-All for around 70 years now. It has been through different ownerships until its current owners and husband-wife duo Chris and Karen Runnalls purchased it three years ago.» Read more...