Who we are:
The Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange (CCTX) is a not-for-profit corporation that helps Canadian organizations improve their cyber resilience by preventing, detecting, and mitigating cyber-attacks. We operate as a cyber security-information sharing centre and provide timely cyber security analysis.
The CCTX enables members to collaborate to reduce financial, operational and reputational risk through access to timely, relevant and actionable threat information.
The CCTX is an established leader of cross-sectoral collaboration, enabling cyber resilience and preparedness in its members. It creates value through the provision of unique data insights with relevant context that are valuable and timely.
What we're seeking:
The CCTX is looking for an Executive Director (ED) to serve as chief executive of the CCTX.
Reporting to the Board, he/she is responsible for the success of the CCTX. The ED advances the mission and purpose of the CCTX through public advocacy and thought leadership in increasing cyber threat awareness and improving the resilience of members, and by building strategic partnerships with public and private organizations in Canada. The ED guides the creation and implementation of the strategic plans for the organization in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. The ED leads a small, agile team accountable for all operational aspects of the CCTX including business development, service delivery, administration, and member support programs.
Primary Responsibilities:
• Improving the value proposition for members of the CCTX
• Increasing the CCTX membership
• Building the CCTX brand
• Building strategic partnerships
• Strategic Planning
• Financial Management & Reporting
• Stakeholder Management (e.g. Board, members, sponsors)
General Responsibilities:
• Works closely with the Board of Directors to ensure that the mission, purpose,
and policies of the organization are carried out and that the organization is in full
compliance with all laws and requirements for governance set forth in the
Corporate By-Laws.
• Provides timely, accurate, and sufficient information to the Board of Directors.
• Responsible for the enhancement of the CCTX's reputation by being active and
visible in communities of interest and working closely with other relevant organizations
and government agencies.
• Serves as the CCTX's primary spokesperson to the organization's constituents,
the media, and the public.
• Responsible for strategic planning, and execution of the plan, to ensure that the
CCTX can fulfill its mission into the future.
• Creating value for members by developing and expanding programs.
• Responsible for presenting an annual budget to the Board of Directors that
accurately reflects the financial requirements and obligations of the organization.
• Responsible for overseeing annual financial audits, or other audits required
from time to time.
Preferred Location:
The CCTX is a national organization with its head office in Ottawa and is flexible in the geographic location of its staff.
The ideal candidate will possess:
• Minimum ten (10) years of senior management experience in the areas of cyber
security, proven track record building and operating successful business units,
marketing, strategic planning and/or financial planning and management.
• Strong organizational management skills with the ability to build and develop
a high-performance team, setting and achieving strategic objectives, and
managing budgets.
• Experience working with a Board of Directors with an ability to cultivate strong
board member relationships.
• Strong written and verbal communication skills; a persuasive and passionate
communicator with excellent interpersonal skills.
• Strong marketing, branding and public relations experience, to promote the CCTX
brand, with the ability to manage strategic partnerships including suppliers.
• The ability to develop and execute on a strategy that engages key stakeholders,
incorporates diverse, creative, and transformative perspectives, to deliver on a
strategic roadmap for the CCTX.
• The capacity to inspire commitment, instigate creativity, and lead transformation
with courage.
• At a minimum, a bachelor's degree or recognized industry certifications.
• Bilingual (French/English) language skills.
• A Canadian government security clearsance Level 2 (SECRET)
(or be able to qualify for one).
Compensation commensurate with experience and qualifications. Email resume with cover letter and salary expectations to Bob Gordon at robert.gordon@cctx.ca by close of business on April 9, 2021.
>> Apply today