A Message from the publisher

Data-driven video technology means to enable new solutions for city problems. These solutions foster reduced crime, less traffic congestion, and ultimately, an improvement in people's lives.

People around the world are migrating to city centers. By 2050, nearly 70% of the world's population will live in a metropolitan area. At Milestone Systems, we aim to help city planners and businesses realize the full potential of data-driven video technology.

Milestone's open platform XProtect® video management software provides flexibility in building end-to-end video solutions that solve challenges and foster Safe Cities.

Visit our website to see how connected video technology is solving city challenges. We offer solutions that:

   • Put Data to Work
   • Create Situational Awareness
   • Keep People Safe

We have curated content on this topic, including eBooks, articles, and success stories about cities solving real-world problems with Milestone's XProtect open platform software.

Milestone Systems Inc.
5300 Meadows Rd, Suite 400
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Telephone: +1 503 350 1100
Toll-free telephone: +1 877 350 1101
Fax: + 1 503 662 7321