A Message from the publisher

Cybercrime continues to rise as the industrialization of the cybercrime economy lowers the skill barrier to entry by providing greater access to tools and infrastructure. In the last year alone, the number of estimated password attacks per second increased by 74%. With such diverse threats coming from so many sources, it is incredibly difficult for organizations to anticipate when and where they might be attacked and how to effectively defend themselves.

With 43 trillion signals synthesized daily, allows us to aggregate security data to understand the scope and scale of digital threats around the globe. This unique vantage point gives us a high-fidelity picture of the threat landscape and the current state of cybersecurity, including indicators on emerging trends. With the latest Microsoft Digital Defense report released, join us for this session as we share our unique insights on how the digital threat landscape is evolving and crucial actions that can be taken now to manage the risks.

Join us for this session to:
   1. Learn about the state of cybercrime
   2. Cyber influence operations
   3. How to stay resilient during these times.

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