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FEATURED NEWS: Intel exec: IoT devices fertile ground for hacks
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Paris, Brussels attacks: a ‘supercell’ of extremism

The number of people linked to the Islamic State network that attacked locations in Paris and Brussels reaches easily into the dozens >> Read full article

Canada participating in global privacy sweep

Data protection authorities from around the world will focus on the Internet of Things during the 2016 global privacy sweep, an initiative that reviews and investigates privacy communications and practices >> Read full article

Ransomware evolving quickly, says Cisco Systems

One example of the new generation of ransomware is an unusual strain of hacker software that exploits computer server vulnerabilities without requiring human interaction, according to a new report by Cisco Systems >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Intel exec: IoT devices fertile ground for hacks

Intel exec: IoT devices fertile ground for hacks

Matthew Rosenquist, Intel's cyber security strategist, painted a pretty bleak picture of the cyber-security landscape during an education session at ISC West. The degree to which cyber security threats are multiplying is due to a number of major factors. The number of Internet-connected devices has skyrocketed. There is more data (and more valuable data), more devices, greater adoption of the Cloud, and the number of IoT-enabled devices is projected to be in the hundreds of billions over the next few years. Also, cyber attacks are often successful and highly lucrative. “Ransomware is going to be the bane of our existence this year," says Rosenquist >> Learn More…


Home Depot says outage slowed purchases, but information not at risk

Hardware retailer Home Depot reported an internal outage with its system for processing payment cards but says customers' information was not at risk >> Read full article

Escapes prompt security review at mental hospitals in Washington

Washington officials are working quickly to increase security at the state's psychiatric hospitals after a week in which two patients escaped and another two went missing >> Read full article

Staff report suggests non-police personnel could direct traffic in Toronto

A report from City of Toronto staff suggests that specially trained civilians, not only paid-duty police officers, should be permitted to direct traffic at construction sites and special events >> Read full article

 Featured Product 
Web-based event analytics platform

Web-based event analytics platform

Arteco’s Event Analytics is an intelligence-based platform that improves, simplifies and enhances event management by applying an additional layer of intelligent monitoring to video surveillance and business intelligence applications. Using a web-based platform, Arteco Event Analytics helps users separate valuable data from non-critical information. “Through the Event Analytics tool, customers can access the most valuable security information and break it down in a way that makes sense to the organization’s specific business requirements,” says an Arteco executive >> Learn more...

 Event Calendar 

Security Canada East

Location: Sheraton Laval, Laval, QC
Date: April 20, 2016 >> More Info

ASIS Toronto Chapter 23rd Annual Best Practices Seminar

Location: Markham Event Centre
Date: April 21, 2016 >> More Info

Canadian Technical Security Conference

Location: Cornwall, ON
Date: April 26-28, 2016 >> More Info

Security Canada Alberta

Location: River Cree Resort & Casino, Edmonton, Alberta
Date: May 11, 2016 >> More Info

Port Secure

Location: Toronto, Ont.
Date: May 18, 2016 >> More Info

The World Conference on Disaster Management (WCDM)

Location: Mississauga, Ont.
Date: June 7, 2016 >> More Info