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FEATURED NEWS: Montreal police testing body-worn cameras, Cloud storage
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Security firm oversight suggested for man accused of murder

A defence lawyer will propose around-the-clock security surveillance of a Dalhousie medical student accused of murder if he is granted release for bail >> Read full article

Review of anti-terrorism laws to come

The Trudeau government will deliver soon on its promise to set up a parliamentary oversight committee for Canada's national security agencies, and a public review of anti-terrorism legislation will follow >> Read full article

Former House of Commons sergeant-at-arms tackles protester

Kevin Vickers, now Canada's ambassador to Ireland but best known for his role in shooting dead an armed assailant inside the Parliament buildings in 2014, has once again stepped into an apparent security breach >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 
SC Congress Toronto 2016

SC Congress Toronto 2016

IT Sec Pros: join us at SC Congress Toronto 2016! This must-attend conference and expo takes place on June 1-2 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center. Attendees will gain valuable insights from industry thought leaders, have unlimited networking opportunities with top solution providers & a chance to earn up to 14 CPE credits. Don’t wait! Register now for this exclusive Canadian Security offer - FREE Expo Plus Pass and a FREE Starbucks gift card awarded to the first 50 people who register. Use code CS50SB when registering. Hurry - this offer won't last! >> Register now...

 Featured News 
Montreal police testing body-worn cameras

Montreal police testing body-worn cameras, Cloud storage

Montreal’s police force has begun a pilot test of 50 Axon body-worn cameras and a Canadian-based digital evidence management solution, The pilot program began with subway patrol officers and will be extending to the traffic patrol unit. The agency will evaluate the impact of the cameras on both evidence collection and interactions with the public >> Learn More…


Why CSOs should care about IT

CSOs need to be aware of a growing trend in cyber security – insider threats. Tracking employee activity online is as important to the security of an organization as the security cameras in office hallways >> Read full article

Report calculates impact of Canada's defence industry

Canada’s defence industry provides high-paying jobs and is rich in technology, according to a new report from Science, Innovation and Economic Development Canada and Statistics Canada >> Read full article

Retail theft: Scanning for scams

Fraudulent returns put a huge dent in retailers’ profits every year. Best practices are always evolving, but retailers should at least insist on proof of purchase, invest in their point of sale system and stand by their return policies >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

The World Conference on Disaster Management (WCDM)

Location: Mississauga, Ont.
Date: June 7, 2016 >> More Info

Security Canada West

Location: River Rock Casino Resort, Richmond, B.C.
Date: June 15, 2016 >> More Info

IAHSS Ontario Chapter Golf Challenge

Location: Summit Golf & Country Club, Richmond Hill, Ont.
Date: June 18, 2016 >> More Info

ASIS Canada Night 2016

Location: Lafayette's Restaurant & Bar, Orlando, Fla.
Date: Sept. 11, 2016 >> More Info

ASIS International Seminar and Exhibits

Location: Orlando, Fla.
Date: Sept. 12-15, 2016 >> More Info