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FEATURED NEWS: INKAS signs armored vehicles contract
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Orlando night club shooter was a security guard

Gunman was a body builder and a security guard, a religious man who attended the local mosque and wanted to become a police officer >> Read full article

ASIS offers support after Orlando massacre

In the wake of the Orlando shooting that claimed 50 lives, ASIS International is providing free access to much of its material on active shooter scenarios >> Read full article

University of Calgary pays ransom after cyber attack

The school says it paid a ransom of $20,000 to preserve an option to restore critical research data >> Read full article

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 Featured News 
INKAS signs armored vehicles contract

INKAS signs armored vehicles contract

Security solutions provider INKAS Group has signed a multi-million dollar agreement with ISP, LLC for research and development, and production of special purpose vehicles, safes and other integrated security products, systems and solutions. The project will be jointly executed by Mayotex-Philcar, which was recently acquired by INKAS, and INKAS Armored Vehicle Manufacturing, a Canadian division of the group >> Learn More…

Remai Modern seeking security and building manager

Remai Modern seeking security and building manager

Remai Modern is a stunning 130,000 square foot gallery located at River Landing in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, one of Canada’s fastest growing cities. With a projected annual attendance of over 220,000, Remai Modern will offer year-round exhibitions and innovative programming for visitors of all ages. The museum’s projected opening is 2017. The Security and Building Manager will develop, implement and oversee all aspects of the security function at the museum. View listing for more information.


New office to handle no-fly list issues

The Liberal government is creating an office to handle inquiries from travellers who have run into problems due to aviation security lists >> Read full article

"Border Security" TV show discontinued

Canada’s border agency is pulling the plug on the controversial reality TV program "Border Security" at the request of the federal privacy commissioner >> Read full article

Canadian airports may face longer security lines unless more funding provided

Canadians risk flight delays and even longer airport security lines unless Ottawa boosts screening funding to address growing passenger levels, industry experts are warning >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Threat Risk Assessments - Commissionaires Seminar

Location: Lexxon Training Centre, Surrey, B.C.
Date: June 23, 2016 >> More Info

Webinar: Risk & Incidents: Same playground, different castles

Location: Online
Date: June 28, 2016, 2 PM EST >> More Info

IAHSS Ontario Chapter Golf Challenge

Location: Summit Golf & Country Club, Richmond Hill, Ont.
Date: July 18, 2016 >> More Info

ASIS Canada Night 2016

Location: Lafayette's Restaurant & Bar, Orlando, Fla.
Date: Sept. 11, 2016 >> More Info

ASIS International Seminar and Exhibits

Location: Orlando, Fla.
Date: Sept. 12-15, 2016 >> More Info

Security Canada Atlantic 2016

Location: Casino New Brunswick, Moncton, NB
Date: Sept. 21, 2016 >> More Info