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FEATURED NEWS: TSA to test computer-scanning for carry-on bags
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Universal Protection launches autonomous robot service

Universal Protection Service is adding mobile robot machines to provide another level of situational awareness both inside and outside of buildings >> Read full article

Review: Serious security lapses at Boston transit money room

The facility that handles close to US$200 million a year in cash is riddled with security weaknesses, including doors propped open, lost keys and missing cameras >> Read full article

King joins Commissionares as CEO for South Saskatchewan

Lieutenant Colonel (ret’d) Colin King, CD, is also a specialist in emergency planning and operations >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 
Panasonic Security

The Future of Security

From state-of-the-art facial recognition software with real time notification, to advanced heat mapping technologies, Panasonic provides definitive, strategic solutions to capture, record, view, manage and analyze security video images.
Beyond security, Panasonic’s systems can be used to provide additional insight including people counting with age and gender detection, high and low traffic areas and migration patterns – a proven advantage to marketers in the retail sector. Watch Video to Learn More

 Featured News 
TSA to test computer-scanning for carry-on bags

TSA to test computer-scanning for carry-on bags

Federal officials said they are expanding tests to speed up airport lines and improve security. The Transportation Security Administration plans to begin using computed-tomography or CT scanners to inspect carry-on bags at one site by the end of the year. This will be a first for U.S. airport security. CT scanners are already used to screen checked baggage and the use of CT technology at airport checkpoints would eliminate the need for screeners to examine X-ray images of every bag. >> Learn More…


Cyber threats highlighted in EMC global survey

New findings from the EMC Global Data Protection Index 2016 show that 13 per cent more businesses experienced data loss or disruption in the last 12 months, costing them an average of US$914,000 >> Read full article

Companies must notify people affected by privacy breaches: watchdog

As the federal government is preparing regulations regarding notification of privacy breaches by private-sector companies, the federal privacy commissioner's office says companies should have to directly notify those affected by a breach >> Read full article

ASIS announces 2017-2019 Board candidates

ASIS International has announced the candidates for its board of directors, including a regular columnist for Canadian Security, Tim McCreight >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

IAHSS Ontario Chapter Golf Challenge

Location: Summit Golf & Country Club, Richmond Hill, Ont.
Date: July 18, 2016 >> More Info

ASIS Canada Night 2016

Location: Lafayette's Restaurant & Bar, Orlando, Fla.
Date: Sept. 11, 2016 >> More Info

ASIS International Seminar and Exhibits

Location: Orlando, Fla.
Date: Sept. 12-15, 2016 >> More Info

Security Canada Atlantic 2016

Location: Casino New Brunswick, Moncton, NB
Date: Sept. 21, 2016 >> More Info