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FEATURED NEWS: Security Insider: How to stay safe in Rio
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Study: dozens of Canadian firms paid ransoms to regain data

A new report has revealed dozens of Canadian organizations were forced to pay attackers over the past year to regain access to computer files and IT systems infected with ransomware >> Read full article

Push-ups challenge for Wounded Warriors

Challenge to bring awareness and attention to the rate of suicide amongst our Canadian Armed Forces members, veterans and first responders >> Read full article

Apple to offer cash for reporting security flaws

Apple says it will start offering cash rewards of up to $200,000 to hackers who come forward with information about security flaws in the company's software >> Read full article

Panasonic Security

How do Canadians Feel About Security?

Recently, Panasonic conducted a review of the Canadian perspective surrounding privacy and security in an age of sophisticated surveillance. It addresses where advancements in surveillance are being celebrated, and when threats to our privacy have gone too far. Learn about where we stand on the subject in this white paper.

 Featured News 
Security Insider: How to stay safe in Rio

Security Insider: How to stay safe in Rio

Security Insider host Tamar Atik speaks to AFIMAC's Peter Martin and Executive Security Services' Sunil Ram about the appropriate security precautions athletes and visitors should take during the Rio Olympics >> Learn More…


Sharper focus

After a false start or two, video analytics are now taking off in a big way >> Read full article

Canadian student and British man arrested for alleged roles in Bangladesh attack

Two men were arrested last week on allegations they were involved in the deadly siege carried out by radical Islamists >> Read full article

Suicide attack kills at least 70 in Pakistan

Pakistani militants kill a prominent attorney and then bomb the hospital where dozens of other lawyers had gathered to mourn >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

ASIS Canada Night 2016

Location: Lafayette's Restaurant & Bar, Orlando, Fla.
Date: Sept. 11, 2016 >> More Info

ASIS International Seminar and Exhibits

Location: Orlando, Fla.
Date: Sept. 12-15, 2016 >> More Info

Security Canada Atlantic 2016

Location: Casino New Brunswick, Moncton, NB
Date: Sept. 21, 2016 >> More Info

Retail Council of Canada’s Loss Prevention Conference

Location: International Centre, Mississauga, ON
Date: Sept. 29, 2016 >> More Info

Security Canada Central 2016

Location: Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, ON
Date: Oct. 19-20, 2016 >> More Info