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FEATURED NEWS: Focus On Government Security highlights drones, digital hygiene and more
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Fewer requests for electronic surveillance

Data from the Department of Public Safety shows a large drop in the number of applications from police to conduct electronic surveillance on citizens >> Read full article

Feds ban new embassies on Sussex Dr. after RCMP flags security concerns

The federal government is forbidding the construction of new embassies on Ottawa's Sussex Drive following a stark RCMP assessment of the potential for "violent events" in the high-profile neighbourhood >> Read full article

Q&A with Mark LaLonde, chief safety officer, Simon Fraser University

LaLonde discusses his new role at SFU, what's meant today by risk, safety and security, and his outreach with student groups across campus >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Feature News

Focus On Government Security highlights drones, digital hygiene and more

Focus On Government Security, held last week in Ottawa, offered its attendees a detailed look at topics and talking points that affect how security is conducted today and will be carried out tomorrow. Speakers addressed diverse issues, including drone management and legislation, the growing complexity of cyber security, new paradigms in security leadership and project management, and the Feds new policy on citizens' online access to government services. >> Learn More…


National security review must look beyond terrorism

An intelligence expert says a federal review of national security shouldn't be fixated solely on terrorism. It should include discussion of cyber threats and climate change >> Read full article

Fighting complacency

If we (as a profession) want to continually grow our body of knowledge, and learn about new and exciting research from the risk management field, we need to steer recent graduates into mentorship programs or work placements within the security field, says Tim McCreight >> Read full article

Engineering security for casinos and hotels

One issue for these venues is finding a balance between having good security coverage, while ensuring guests do not feel as if they are constantly being watched >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Security Canada Central 2016

Location: Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, ON
Date: Oct. 19-20, 2016 >> More Info

ASIR International Association of Security & Investigative Regulators Annual Conference

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Date: Oct. 26-28, 2016 >> More Info

Mental Health First Aid

Location: Surrey, B.C.
Date: Oct. 31- Nov. 1, 2016 >> More Info

Security Executive Council's Next Generation Security Leader

Location: Bedford, Mass and McLean, Va
Date: Nov. 9-10, 2016 >> More Info

Halifax International Security Forum

Location: Halifax, NS
Date: Nov. 18-20, 2016 >> More Info