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MMMM d, yyyy

Halifax security conference reflects uncertainty in Trump era

Canadian politicians made it clear that whatever the president-elect's foreign policy may entail, the country is prepared to hold its own on the world stage

Canadian survey indicates lax attitude to online security

A recent poll conducted by CBC and the Toronto Star suggests that Canadians may not be too savvy when it comes to protecting their identity online

Report: Poor communication contributed to NYC airport panic

The report by a multi-agency review team found that the airport lacks a security protocol that would have helped avoid the chaos caused by noises mistaken for gunshots
ASIS Women

ASIS Women in Security event highlights leadership roles

The Toronto Chapter of ASIS International held its annual Women In Security Symposium last week, showcasing three female speakers with diverse points of view on professional security. The symposium was followed by the Toronto chapter's AGM and the election of its 2017 executive board. » Learn More…

Identifying the downside of biometric security

Biometric identifiers may not be as safe or secure as most people think and could be subject to theft or misappropriation » Read full article

Moscow, Beijing targeting Canada's tech, spy agency warns

CSIS is openly warning that Russia and China are out to steal the country's most prized secrets » Read full article

Housing assessment

Tim McCreight takes a risk-based approach to moving homes (and provinces) and how those lessons can be applied to security management » Read full article

Conflict Resolution

Location: Surrey, B.C.
Date: Dec. 1, 2016 » More Info

Focus On Health Care Security

Location: Toronto, ON
Date: Dec. 7, 2016 » More Info

Maritime Security

Location: Surrey, B.C.
Date: Jan. 27, 2017 » More Info

Security Career Expo

Location: Toronto, Ont.
Date: March 8, 2017 » More Info