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FEATURED NEWS: Meet the Maxwells
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Pioneering drainage research stories now available

Drainage Contractor columnist James Fouss and his colleague Dr. Norman Fausey conducted pioneering drainage research in 1965, and stories and documents are now available online. >> Read full article

Time to inspect tile drains

With planting in progress, it's also an excellent time to inspect tile drains. Michigan State University Extension offers tips to keep subsurface drainage systems in optimal working order, which contractors can share with clients. >> Read full article

Water quality improvement seen in Illinois River

A new study from the University of Illinois reports that nitrate load in the Illinois River from 2010 to 2014 was 10 percent less than the average load in the 1980s and early 1990s. >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Meet the Maxwells

Meet the Maxwells

Digging ditches is in Bart Maxwell’s blood, going back four generations to 1910 when his great-grandfather, Alexander Maxwell, began laying clay field tile and building small bridges around Montgomery County in Indiana with his brother, Silas.

Three of Alexander’s 11 sons – Jack, Birle and Walter – followed in his footsteps full-time, while another, Bart’s grandfather, Ralph, helped out part-time. This sparked the interest in Maxwell’s father, Bart Sr., who took over Maxwell Farm Drainage in the 1960s. >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

National LICA Summer Meeting

July 18-23, 2016
Location: Intercontinental Kansas City at the Plaza, Kansas City, MO >> More Info

2017 LICA National Winter Convention

March 4-6, 2017
Location: Las Vegas >> More Info

2017 LICA National Summer Meeting

July 11-16, 2017
Location: Elegante Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO >> More Info