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FEATURED NEWS: Finding best practices
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Iowa farmers receiving bioreactors and saturated buffers

The Iowa Soybean Association (ISBA) is assisting farmers in the Rock Creek Watershed in developing bioreactors and saturated buffers. >> Read full article

Minnesota farmers collaborating on conservation project

Farmers in Minnesota have agreed to let scientists measure their soil and nutrient losses in an effort to build conservation practices. >> Read full article

Interactive map details nutrient management efforts

Dozens of farmers from across Illinois are sharing their nutrient management stories on a web-based interactive map. >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Finding best practices

Finding best practices

There continues to be a growing interest in tile drainage in Manitoba, and the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative (MLMMI) is working to help determine beneficial management practices for the application of manure on tile-drained lands.

The MLMMI has a mandate to work with Manitoba’s livestock industry to address challenges associated with nutrient management regulation, new technology and environmentally sound practices, while helping the livestock sector realize its economic potential. MLMMI is a Manitoba-focused organization, helping producers in our province manage their manure-related issues in the context of their own local conditions. >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

National LICA Summer Meeting

July 18-23, 2016
Location: Intercontinental Kansas City at the Plaza, Kansas City, MO >> More Info

2017 LICA National Winter Convention

March 4-6, 2017
Location: Las Vegas >> More Info

2017 LICA National Summer Meeting

July 11-16, 2017
Location: Elegante Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO >> More Info