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FEATURED NEWS: UK Update: Planning ahead
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Agriculture and drainage at Field Tech Day

Larry Brown will be the guest speaker at the Williams County Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual Field Technology Day on Aug. 11 near Stryker, OH. >> Read full article

Reducing water and pollution through wood chips

Researchers studying ways to improve agricultural water quality have shown that denitrification can be used to treat subsurface drainage water on farms. Laura Christianson, research assistant Professor of crop sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, shares research on the uses of bioreactors. >> Read full article

ADS expanding in Missouri

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. is scheduled to build a new pipe manufacturing plant in Harrisonville, MO, approximately 40 miles south of Kansas City. >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Feature news

UK Update: Planning ahead

Two factors impact demand for drainage more than anything else here in the U.K.: the amount of rainfall and the price of wheat. The phone tends to ring more often after a month or two of rain or steady price increases. I have expressed my puzzlement that short-term events can affect the purchase of such a long-term investment before, but such is life. Rain and commodity prices are out of my control – if I had a method of controlling either, I would not be wading in the mud as a drainage contractor!

As contractors, our only option is to focus on what can be affected. This does not, however, mean that the weather or the price of commodities should be ignored. >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

National LICA Summer Meeting

July 18-23, 2016
Location: Intercontinental Kansas City at the Plaza, Kansas City, MO >> More Info

2017 LICA National Winter Convention

March 4-6, 2017
Location: Las Vegas >> More Info

2017 LICA National Summer Meeting

July 11-16, 2017
Location: Elegante Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO >> More Info