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FEATURED NEWS: Creating a project toolkit
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New response to Thames River concern

The Thames River’s connection to algae in the Great Lakes is sparking local action. Around Lake Erie, work continues to solve the problem of harmful algae blooms, which affect drinking water, the local economy, and the health of the lake. >> Read full article

Tile drainage helps with excess water in Manitoba

It's been a soggy growing season for many areas of Manitoba. But while some crops in wet areas have struggled with excess moisture, it seems other crops are looking better thanks, in some cases, to tile drainage. >> Read full article

Ontario invests in farm improvement

A new project funded by the Ontario government will invest $3.7 million and involve land clearing and tile drainage installation to improve farm production in the northeast. >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Feature News

Creating a project toolkit

Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and led by Jane Frankenberger of Purdue University in Indiana, the Transforming Drainage project team brings together a wide network of drainage stakeholders to discuss, among other things, controlled drainage, drainage water recycling, and saturated buffers.

These practices represent the core focus of this project as ways to promote sustainable crop production while providing protections to water quality, writes Bob Clark, a member of the project advisory committee. >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

2017 LICA National Winter Convention

March 4-6, 2017
Location: Las Vegas >> More Info

2017 LICA National Summer Meeting

July 11-16, 2017
Location: Elegante Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO >> More Info