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FEATURED NEWS: Innovative sub-irrigation
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Plant islands eyed to mitigate nutrient runoff

Researchers at Iowa State University are floating a plan to dredge excess nutrients from farm lakes with a series of “plant islands” – wire mesh structures planted with flowers and perennials that are designed to allow plant roots to grow through the mesh and into the nutrient-rich water below. >> Read full article

Hurdles hamper data collection by ag drone

The hype surrounding applications for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in agriculture has been impressive, sparking discussions about opportunities to gather detailed information about water drainage, crop yields and plant health in cultivated fields. >> Read full article

Overland flooding creating problems for Manitoba farmers

A northern Manitoba farmer is calling on the province and the local government to help drain the water flooding his land and provide disaster assistance for him and other farmers who are using up winter feed for cattle who can't graze on submerged grass. >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Feature News

Innovative sub-irrigation

What do you get when you put a Michigan dairy farmer and a conservationist in a car for several hours? If the dairy farmer is Blaine Baker, co-owner of Bakerlads Farm in Clayton, and the conservationist is Thomas Van Wagner, technical co-ordinator for the Lenawee Conservation District Center for Excellence Program, you get the initial designs of a livestock reservoir wetland sub-irrigation system.

“Tom got the idea from systems in Ohio they are using for irrigation of crops and thought maybe we could put it together for irrigation of wastewater for dairy,” Baker says. “We designed it on the trip out and back to the conference.” >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

2017 LICA National Winter Convention

March 4-6, 2017
Location: Las Vegas >> More Info

2017 LICA National Summer Meeting

July 11-16, 2017
Location: Elegante Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO >> More Info