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Phosphorus part of water-quality puzzle

The discussion of water quality in Iowa and many other midwestern states has often centered on nitrates, but phosphorus can be a concern as well.

Long-term tile investment raises yields

The fields in northeast Missouri are mostly flat, which can lead to poor drainage and wet land. So, in the fall of 2015, one farmer decided to install drainage tile. One year later, he is pleased with the results.

Saskatchewan streamlining drainage approval process

The government of Saskatchewan is changing how agricultural drainage complaints are handled in the province. Scott Moe, the minister responsible for the province’s Water Security Agency, introduced the amendments on Nov. 29.
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Tackling water quality

Farmers install subsurface drainage on agricultural fields that have poor natural drainage to help get on their fields earlier and increase crop yields.

However, there are concerns about how this practice impacts water quality, movement and distribution. In the Red River Valley – a region that includes North Dakota, Minnesota and Manitoba – landowners, along with local, state and federal government agencies, agricultural businesses and the University of Minnesota, are working together to tackle these concerns. » Read more...


Jan. 4-6, 2017
Location: Dublin, OH » Learn More

Minnesota LICA

Jan. 5-6, 2017
Location: New Ulm, MN » Learn More


Jan. 8-10, 2017
Location: Des Moines, IA » Learn More

New York LICA

Jan. 10-12, 2017
Location: Geneva, NY » Learn More

Illinois LICA

Jan. 12-14, 2017
Location: East Peoria, IL » Learn More