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New tool to help calculate benefits of controlled tile drainage

Under a new partnership, a tool will be developed to allow extension staff and farmers to better calculate the crop yield benefits of controlled tile drainage under varying conditions.

Thousands still required to complete training

Ohio's agriculture leaders say thousands of farmers have completed training that will be required for putting fertilizer on fields, but many more face a September deadline to finish the program aimed at combating the toxic algae fouling Lake Erie.

Considerations required before moving ahead with drainage

Tile drainage installation is on the upswing in Manitoba, but producers need to take a hard look at their operations and evaluate beneficial management practices before making the plunge.
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Testing technology

The topics of RTK-GPS accuracy and plow capabilities are frequently discussed among land improvement contractors. It’s recognized that there are no formal industry tests or certifications required of a professional contractor’s operators, machinery, or computer control systems in order to install subsurface drainage tile (corrugated-wall plastic drainage pipe) in the United States. In Ontario, by contrast, there is a certification program in place for drainage plows and contractors. » Read more...

LICO Conference

Jan 24-26
Location: London, ON » Learn More

Indiana LICA

Jan. 25-27
Location: Indianapolis » Learn More

Missouri LICA

Jan. 26-28
Location: Columbia, MO » Learn More

Kansas LICA

Jan. 29-30
Location: Topeko, KS » Learn More

Advanced Drainage Course

Feb. 6-16
Location: Marden, ON » Learn More