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Iowa State University seeking water quality projects

The Iowa Nutrient Research Center is accepting proposals from scientists to address water-quality issues related to nutrient loss from farm fields and land use practices. 

Saturated buffer research focus of webinar

Iowa Learning Farms will host a webinar on April 18 explaining the latest research, installation standards and best-management practices for the use of saturated buffers in farm fields.

Lake Erie Foundation talks improving lake water quality

It's that time of year when algal blooms thrive in Lake Erie, and experts are figuring out how to tackle all the challenges that go along with improving the water.
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A new drainage kid on the block

After graduating from the University of Mississippi armed with a degree in marketing, Bourke Sprague went back home to the family farm in Kentucky, and built a successful drainage business without any official background. » Read more...

Farm Progress Show

June 20-23
Regina, SK
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LICA National Summer Meeting

July 9-15
Grand Rapids, MI
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Empire Farm Days

August 7-9
Seneca Falls, NY
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