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Dec. 11, 2018

New York funds agriculture water quality projects

To prevent pollution of New York’s state waterways, $16.8 million has been awarded to support 54 agricultural projects across the state. The program assists with projects such as nutrient management through manure storage, vegetative buffers along streams, conservation cover crops and other soil conservation measures.

EPA awards grant to address regional water quality issues

The Environmental Protection Agency announced the Indiana State Department of Agriculture has been awarded $400,000 for water quality improvements in the Western Lake Erie Basin. The grant will address algal blooms through a series of workshops with farmers and certified crop advisors.

Can rice filter water from ag fields?

New research shows that rice plants can be used in a different way, too: to clean runoff from farms before it gets into rivers, lakes, and streams. Researchers planted fields with rice and without, and then flooded the fields with a mix of pesticides and water. They found that the levels of all three pesticides were lower in fields where they’d planted rice.
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Innovation revisited

How do we encourage change and the adoption of new practices? Jacqui Empson Laporte, environmental specialist and a member of the drainage team for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, speaks to how the drainage industry can move beyond barriers that prevent the adoption of innovative practices and brainstorms some possible solutions. » Read more...

Ohio LICA Convention

Jan. 3-4, 2019
Location: Dublin, OH
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New York LICA Convention

Jan. 6-8, 2019
Location: Syracuse, NY
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South Dakota LICA Convention

Jan. 9-11, 2019
Location: Sioux Falls, SD
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Nebraska LICA Convention

Jan. 15-18, 2019
Location: Kearney, NE
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