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Hardeman out, Thompson in at OMAFRA

The Friday afternoon shuffle saw longtime MPP Hardeman replaced as minister by Lisa Thompson, a former chair of the Ontario 4-H Foundation.

LICA inches closer to summer 2021 annual meeting

The organization and delegates will convene in Niagara Falls, NY, with proper COVID protocols in place.

Funding fact sheet: June 22

The fact sheet returns for another week to show where projects are slated to begin, which grants are opening soon and who’s secured funding.
Sponsored Spotlight 

[Video] In the spotlight: LICA

For more than 70 years, the Land Improvement Contractors of America have united land-moving contractors from across the country in their commitment to business excellence and the environment.

In this new episode of In The Spotlight, LICA sits down with Drainage Contractor to discuss their upcoming new book, the history of LICA and the importance of a good benefits program for the modern contractor.
» Watch Now...

All about bioreactors

The new, but increasingly popular technology known as a bioreactor could be a game-changer in agricultural drainage. Currently, a project in Illinois involves the monitoring of 15 different bioreactors across the state to understand how the devices can be most effective at what they’re meant to do – which is reducing nitrogen losses. Potentially helpful modifications include adjustments to their size and dimensions, the addition of bafflers and more. » See how they stack up...

Drainage contractor workshop

July 21-23, 2021
Location: Albany, MO
» Learn more

Landowner short-course

July 24, 2021
Location: Albany, MO
» Learn more