CHECK out the newest issue of electrOHS, an eBook focusing specifically on electrical safety in the workplace.
electrOHS is brought to you by OHS Canada, the leading publication for occupational health and safety professionals, and Electrical Business, Canada’s leading magazine for the electrical industry.
We’ve got some great articles for you to check out:
Continuous improvement in hazard protection
While ‘continuous improvement’ for business has become widely accepted as an approach for enhancing quality, productivity and processes, it now needs to be extended to the world of electrical safety, through engaged leadership and technical awareness.
Stray voltage: The silent killer
Everywhere from city sidewalks to rural farms, from community swimming pools to lakefront marinas, stray contact voltage is becoming a greater threat as aging wiring suffers corrosion. Monitoring and testing are key in preventing fatalities.
Completing the ‘safety trifecta’
CSA Z463, a national safety guideline for the maintenance of electrical systems across Canada, finally became a standard in September 2018. The scope and impact of this new standard will be broad and significant, affecting companies of all sizes.