From rendering, to ribbon cutting, to operations, Canadian building projects have never relied more on technology. Smart buildings, which give owners access to a near limitless stream of data, are on the rise across the country. Along with simplifying operations and maintenance, they are helping owners apply a whole life cycle mentality to take projects from cradle to grave.
This new approach to building is recalibrating owner demands on general contractors during the construction phase, as well as leading GCs to set new benchmarks for their subcontractors.
Join On-Site, HPAC and Electrical Business magazines March 17 at 1 p.m. ET for a panel discussion on the emerging opportunity. Representatives from three leaders in the space – Black and McDonald, EllisDon and Modern Niagara – will look at the ways smart buildings are forcing job sites to evolve and share the steps GCs and subs need to take to ensure they aren’t left behind.
Our panellists:
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Colin Flock, vice-president of operations, Facilities Services, EllisDon
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Erica Brabon, director, Energy & Sustainability, Facility Services, Black & McDonald
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Sam Boyajian, vice-president, Integrated Building Technology, Modern Niagara
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