Over the past year, ESA inspectors have identified over 1,400 defects related to arc fault protection of receptacles, making it ESA’s #1 wiring defect. Arc fault is a leading cause of electrical fires in homes, but it doesn’t have to be! ESA’s analysis of the Ontario Fire Marshal’s data concluded AFCI protection could reduce residential electrical distribution fires by 71%.
In the latest episode of Grounded in Ontario, a podcast made especially for Licensed Electrical Contractors, Master and certified electricians and aspiring professionals, host Josie Erzetic speaks with Trevor Tremblay, Technical Advisor at ESA to discuss why it’s important to install arc fault and ground fault circuit interrupters, when and where to install them and how to resolve nuisance tripping that may result from their installation.
Be sure to visit esasafe.com/podcast to access the episode and additional relevant content (code bulletins, pictures, diagrams and more).
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