At ESA, we understand that there is growing curiosity and concern about grid independence and specifically energy storage systems. We’ve heard from LECs that the expectation to understand requirements and Code changes can sometimes feel daunting, especially as technology continues to advance.
This is why we’ve dedicated our latest episode of Grounded in Ontario, a podcast made especially for Licensed Electrical Contractors, Master and certified electricians as well as those aspiring to enter the trade, to all things energy storage. Host Josie Erzetic speaks with Trevor Tremblay, Technical Advisor at ESA, about important updates to the Code and all LECs need to know about installation requirements.
We continue to receive valuable feedback and topic suggestions from our listeners, and want to thank you for that! We’re so glad you’re engaging with content on our website and listening to the episodes. If you haven’t already, please make sure to share with your teams and peers. Anyone can subscribe and listen through Apple, Spotify, Amazon or Google.
If you have a topic or technical question you would like addressed in a future episode, please email us at
Stay informed and stay grounded!