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No hiding on Kijiji for this unlicensed electrical contractor

Roberto Spada was sentenced in a Windsor, Ont., court recently on 16 charges, including performing unsafe electrical work and advertising to do electrical work without an electrical contractor’s licence. >> Read full article

What do you get from almost 1000 electrical plans?

From a distance, it looks like someone used giant rainbow Lego blocks to erect the building on Decarie Boulevard in Montreal: Glen Site, the newest addition to the sweeping McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). From a pneumatic tube system behind the walls to robotic dispensing machines, this high-tech facility goes well beyond its simple Lego-like appearance. >> Read full article

Taking the grid off-grid... an Alberta perspective

With Alberta’s push to replace coal power plants with renewables and natural gas plants—and, on a larger scale, heat homes with renewables, charge electric vehicles and move to a greater distributed energy generation model—some serious challenges will need to be addressed. >> Read full article

Liteline goes big with new facility

Liteline Corp.—a Canadian manufacturer and distributor of LED lighting solutions—is moving from Abacus Road into a new facility in Richmond Hill, Ont. that is 3x the size of its current location (over 160,000 sf). >> Read full article

Engineers Canada launches EngScape, online job portal

Engineers Canada’s new online portal, EngScape, addresses the labour market needs of the engineering profession and presents statistics and data about employment rates, salary, university enrollment and diversity. >> Read full article