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Graybar Canada’s tornado-hit Windsor branch finds temporary home

With its Windsor, Ont., branch severely damaged by a tornado that touched down in the area August 24, Graybar Canada has moved its 2760 Deziel Drive operations to a temporary location until the damage has been fully repaired. >> Read full article

Ideal Supply acquired by Deschênes Group

Ideal Supply Co. Ltd.—a southwestern Ontario wholesale distributor to the electrical, industrial and automotive industries—announced the sale of the company to Deschênes Group Inc., a family-owned, Canadian company based in Montreal. >> Read full article

Osram’s LEDvance business has a buyer, but what about Canada?

Over the course of the summer, you may have heard that a Chinese outfit called MLS Co. Ltd.—the parent company of Atlanta, Ga.-based Forest Lighting USA—is part of a consortium that plans to acquire Osram’s LEDvance lighting business. What does this mean for Canada? >> Read full article

PHOTOS: 4th Electric Elle Golf Tournament

A new record was set at the 4th Annual Electric Elle Golf Tournament for the number of balls lost. Team “9 is Enough” took home a prize—accompanied by much applause—for managing to squander 12 balls during the 9-hole round of “Best Ball”. >> Read full article

Bison Fire nets Moskal Electric owner for business development

Jodi Moskal—owner of Moskal Electric and former vice-president of network cabling solutions—has joined Bison Fire Protection in business development for fire alarm systems. >> Read full article