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Help ensure prompt payment comes to Ontario

The Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario is asking everyone to reach out to their local MPP through a simple online petition that keeps prompt payment legislation top-of-mind for every Member of Provincial Parliament.

Alberta to switch to capacity market for electricity by 2021

The Alberta government says it will create a “capacity market” for electricity as part of its plan to “ensure that consumers are protected from price volatility with a reliable supply of electricity at stable, affordable prices”.

Okanagan’s electrical training to be on site in Vernon, B.C.

A joint federal/provincial investment of $6.21-million will help erect a new trades training centre at Okanagan College’s Vernon, B.C. campus.

VIDEO: Eliot hones in on built-in autonomous over automated devices

“I’m sure the electrical contractors have been following the Internet of Things and wondering when and how that will affect them,” said John Selldorff, CEO of Legrand North America at the company’s launch of its latest global IoT solution for the built environment: Eliot. » Read full article

REVIEW: Rayovac PS93GY 3X portable phone charger

When Rayovac reached out with news of new portable chargers on the market, EBMag eagerly asked for a trial unit to see whether such a device was worth it. » Read full article
CSA Group warning

WARNING: Value Power, Prestige Lighting bulbs

CSA Group is warning consumers of unauthorized use of CSA Group trademarks on light bulbs sold in the Canadian market, branded as “Value Power” and “Prestige Lighting”. » Read full article
Hazloc Heaters

Hazloc Heaters introduces EXCaliber industrial thermostat

Hazloc Heaters, a manufacturer of industrial heating products, has revealed the EXCaliber series of “explosion-proof” air-sensing thermostats, certified to Canadian division and zone system standards (CCSAUS). » Read full article

EFC Christmas Reception • Halifax

Date & Location: Dec. 6 € Halifax, N.S
Info: Enjoy hors d¹oeuvres and cocktails at the Old Ashburn Golf Club from 5-7 pm, as you network with key industry leaders and support Feed Nova Scotia. » More Info

EHRC’s Awards of Excellence Luncheon

Date & Location: Dec. 8 • Toronto, Ont.
Info: Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is hosting its annual Awards of Excellence Luncheon, which will feature keynote speeches from Bruce Campbell, president and CEO of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), and Bob Delaney, MPP Mississauga-Streetsville, parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Energy. » More Info

EDA’s EDIST 2017 Conference

Date & Location: Jan. 18-20 • Toronto, Ont.
Info: The Electricity, Distribution, Information Systems and Technology (EDIST) 2017 Conference & Exhibition is an educational conference and exhibition addressing critical engineering, operational, IT and management issues faced by Ontario’s Local Distribution Companies. Suppliers, manufacturers and service providers will have the opportunity to network and showcase their products and services. » More Info

BICSI Winter Conference & Exhibition

Date & Location: Jan. 22-26 • Tampa, Fla.
Info: Discover new technologies, network with peers and other ICT professionals, and hear presentations from industry leaders as well as keynotes by motivational speaker Jeff Havens and former NASA astronaut Leland Melvin at BICSI’s Winter Conference at the Tampa Convention Centre. » More Info

IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop (ESW)

Date & Location: Jan. 31-Feb. 3 • Reno, Nev.
Info: The IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop (ESW) 2017—the Super Bowl of electrical safety—aims to “Change the Electrical Safety Culture” by targeting two areas: 1) advancing the application of state-of-the-art knowledge and practices, and 2) stimulating innovation in creating the next generation of safe work practices, technology and managing systems. » More Info