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A nuclear waste-powered battery for your pacemaker... made of diamond?

Can you imagine a battery that won’t reach 50% of its charge until the year 7746 AD? That’s the promise behind new technology that uses nuclear waste to generate electricity in a battery that’s shaped into—believe it or not—a diamond!

Unauthorized Intertek certification for Blowtherm Spa fixtures

Intertek has issued a warning for an Authorization to Mark (ATM) certification document and “paint spray” lighting fixture products, both of which are known to be in the marketplace bearing unauthorized ETL certification marks for Canada. The unauthorized products have not been evaluated by Intertek, and it is not known whether they comply with any safety requirements.

Are Ontario’s Liberals saying your training investment doesn’t matter?

“The Ontario Liberal government has introduced legislation which could have a detrimental impact on the enforcement capability of the Ontario College of Trades,” says ECAO, “and hamper its ability to protect the public interest and the integrity of the electrical trade.”

How do you move a 155-ton transformer 3000 km in 4 hours?

According to ABB, it’s the heaviest item ever airlifted in the Americas.

Ho-Baillie and team claim latest best efficiency rating for perovskite PV cell

Anita Ho-Baillie, a senior research fellow at the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics (ACAP), says her team at the University of New South Wales in Sydney has achieved the highest efficiency rating with the largest perovskite solar cells to date.