How do you beat the competition, beyond just price? What factors can influence prospects to choose you? It’s amazing what a few small tweaks made to your quoting process can do. Sometimes you just need to implement a little psychology. Watch our Level Up columnist’s latest video, and sneak a peek at his upcoming February column!» Read full article
Previously known as MergeCo (until a new moniker was chosen), the merger between Enersource, Horizon Utilities and PowerStream—and purchase of Hydro One Brampton—is now officially knows as Alectra.» Read full article
Recent changes to the regulation that governs micro-generation in Alberta include increasing the size limit to 5MW from 1MW and allowing a micro-generating system to serve adjacent sites.» Read full article
B.A. Robinson Co. Ltd. (Winnipeg, Man.) has acquired of the operating assets of Sescolite Lighting, a retailer and distributor of lighting products in Ontario.» Read full article
Magna IV Engineering (headquartered in Edmonton, Alta.) has announced it’s “open for business and ready to serve clients” in Houston, Texas—its second U.S. office and tenth worldwide.» Read full article