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After 48 years, Bob Arbuckle to retire from Nedco

Bob Arbuckle is retiring from Nedco... after 48 years of service. Well deserved, Bob!

Ontario finally tackling promptness of payment, holdbacks & dispute resolution

Ontario’s Attorney General Yasir Naqvi finally introduced legislation that would, if passed, modernize the lien and holdback process, introduce rules to ensure construction workers get paid in a timely manner, and make the dispute resolution process faster and simpler.

Lyle Moroz joins Techspan as president

This month, Lyle Moroz started his new position as president of Techspan Industries Inc.—a supplier of electrical connectors, fasteners, wire management and control products.
Give Ambassador Power

A call for GIVE ambassadors

“A job is not just a job; a job is a way to give back,” explained Cherith Sinasac, as a I chatted with her and Jarrod Stewart to learn more about the Young Professional Network’s 2017 GIVE initiative. » Read full article

WARNING: Possible non-compliant PV modules bearing Intertek marks

Intertek is warning that certain Silicon Energy flat-plate photovoltaic modules—bearing an Intertek certification mark for Canada and the United States—may not comply with relevant safety requirements. » Read full article
Become the Obvious Choice

Become the Obvious Choice in a Competitive Market

Avoid the income rollercoaster by mastering your marketing. To do that, join EBMag and out Level Up columnist Andrew Houston in the 3rd webinar of our 4-part series “Blueprint to Profits, Systems & Time” to learn specific strategies to help improve this area of your contracting business. » Read full article

“A Great Start Live” • Free BCSA orientation course

“Great Start Live” introduces you to permit types, when they are required and how to obtain one. BCSA will show you how to stay in touch with the latest changes in the electrical industry, and answer questions about compliance and enforcement actions. » Read full article

NETCO Training Conference 2017

Date & Location: August 19-20 • Montreal, Que.
Info: As an alliance of the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Canada, NETCO is the “authoritative, pan-Canadian voice of electrical contractors and IBEW local unions representing apprentices and journeypersons in every province and territory.”
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Become the Obvious Choice in a Competitive Market • WEBINAR 3/4

Date & Location: September 12 • Online
Info: Avoid the income rollercoaster by mastering your marketing. To do that, join EBMag and out Level Up columnist Andrew Houston in the 3rd webinar of our 4-part series “Blueprint to Profits, Systems & Time” to learn specific strategies to help improve this area of your contracting business.
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PCIC 2017 • 64th IEEE Petroleum & Chemical Industry Committee Conference

Date & Location: September 18-20 • Calgary, Alta.
Info: The largest industry conference for the IEEE PCIC committee is being hosted by the IEEE Chapters of Alberta at the Telus Convention Centre, and EBMag will be there! Take advantage of the Early Bird rate, which expires June 30.os.
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