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Code File: Solar PV systems: Upcoming changes to Section 64

The new CE Code (2018) is almost here, and Section 64 contains several important changes (already approved by the CE Code-Part I Committee), including increasing voltage from 1000V to 1500V, and disconnecting means for recombiners.

New Onslow-Springhill line to support renewables and bolster NB connection

Nova Scotia Power is installing a new transmission line between Onslow and Springhill, saying this will “support the addition of more clean, renewable energy for our customers, and increase the reliability of electricity supply along this key corridor”.

Calabogie Generating Station celebrates 100 years of service

Constructed and developed during World War I by the Calabogie Light & Power Co., OPG’s Calabogie Generating Station is celebrating its 100th anniversary this November.

Quebec-based Ficodis launches Cromson tools

Montreal-based Ficodis—an industrial supply distribution group—has launched Cromson: a range of tools for the construction and other sectors.

Pilz appoints Manufacturers Automation for SW Ontario

“At Pilz Canada, we continue to follow our ambitious growth plan for this and upcoming years,” said Andreas Sobotta, CEO & general manager.

ABB’s Campus Montreal unveils Terra 53 DC EVSE

Located at ABB’s new Center of Excellence in E-Mobility, the 50kW EV chargers support the building’s LEED certification, and are free for use by all ABB employees and campus visitors. Moreover, they are fully compatible with all EVs.

Electrical Safety 360: Arc flash risk assessment: PPE category method

Professionals from a variety of electrical sectors seek help nailing down comprehensive methods for executing safe electrical work practices in real-world scenarios. This is where the rubber hits the road, involving some of the most important interactions between crews and their management teams.

An analysis of lithium-ion energy storage

Energy storage technologies are emerging as a viable way for customers to manage increasing electricity costs. Batteries allow them to take electricity from the grid when prices are low during off-peak hours and use it during high-priced on-peak hours. They also provide a possible mechanism for critical peak avoidance. And while there are various kinds, lithium-ion batteries remain the most common. » Read full article

Become the obvious choice in a competitive market

Avoid the income rollercoaster by mastering your marketing. Stand out from contractors offering similar services. Move beyond catchy headlines and flashy photos to speaking your customer’s language. To do that, join EBMag and our Level Up columnist Andrew Houston in the 3rd webinar of our 4-part series “Blueprint to Profits, Systems & Time” to learn specific strategies to help improve this area of your contracting business. » Register today

NEW DATE! The cost of workforce drugs on your bottom line

Prescription drug benefit plans play an important role in employee satisfaction and retention, but their costs continue to rise... Can you sustain them? Join Steve Nowak—director of sales & marketing at Express Scripts Canada—in this upcoming webinar to learn about the costs and some of the options available to reduce them. » Register today

28th Annual Bob Carson Classic Golf Tournament

Date & Location: September 13 • Edmonton, Alta.
Info: Space is still available if you wish to join Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta (ECAA) at the 28th Annual Bob Carson Classic Golf Tournament. Your entry fee includes golf, cart, prizes, hot breakfast and dinner.
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PCIC 2017 • 64th IEEE Petroleum & Chemical Industry Committee Conference

Date & Location: September 18-20 • Calgary, Alta.
Info: The largest industry conference for the IEEE PCIC committee is being hosted by the IEEE Chapters of Alberta at the Telus Convention Centre, and EBMag will be there!
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Gerrie Electric 60th Anniversary Selling Show (1 of 2)

Date & Location: September 18-20 • Calgary, Alta.
Info: The largest industry conference for the IEEE PCIC committee is being hosted by the IEEE Chapters of Alberta at the Telus Convention Centre, and EBMag will be there
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IAEI Canadian Section Meeting 2017

Date & Location: September 22-24 • Peterborough, Ont.
Info: The Canadian Section of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) is conducting its 2017 meeting at the Holiday Inn Hotel Peterborough Waterfront. » More info
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AD North American Meeting

Date & Location: September 25-27 • Grapevine (Dallas), Texas
Info: AD is hosting the 2017 North American Meeting of the Electrical Supply Division at the Gaylord Texan Resort, and EBMag will be there!
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