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MMMM d, yyyy

Deadline for Canadian Electrical Awards is this month!

Now is the time to hunker down and take 10 to 15 minutes to fill in your nomination for the 2017 Canadian Electrical Awards, which recognize noteworthy Canadian electrical installations and electrical safety champions. Deadline is September 15!

BC Safety Authority introducing “enhancements” to electrical FSR program

BCSA is introducing “a number of enhancements” to the electrical field safety rep (FSR) program, including the introduction of a 3-year renewal cycle for all certificate classes, but you only have until September 13 to provide feedback.

EV fast-charge network between Sydney to Yarmouth to be piloted

According to the provincial utility, Nova Scotians will soon be able to drive their electric vehicles from Sydney to Yarmouth without having to worry about where to stop and recharge.

NALCTP advanced lighting controls training available to BC electricians

British Columbia electricians now have access to a training program in advanced lighting controls via EJTC Enterprises (E2 Inc.), the BC Institute of Technology and Okanagan College.

ECA of Alberta Training Day 2018 Call for Speakers

Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta has issued a call for both topics and speakers for its 2018 Training Day, being held May 25 in Edmonton.

Write your MP! Support passage of Canada Prompt Payment Act

The Senate of Canada unanimously passed Bill S-224 “Canada Prompt Payment Act” yet, according to National Trade Contractors Coalition of Canada (NTCCC) chair John Galt, “Our organization has heard some common pushbacks that miss the point about where the real problems exist”. » Read full article

WARNING: Unauthorized CSA marks on wiring in various products

CSA Group is warning the public of the unauthorized use of its Certification Marks on wiring that has been noted as a component on various products, mainly arriving from China. » Read full article

WARNING: Unauthorized component mark on James Industry LED tube

Intertek issued a warning over a James Industry Group LLC direct replacement LED tube, which bears an unauthorized Intertek Recognized Component Certification Mark for Canada and the United States. » Read full article

Become the Obvious Choice in a Competitive Market • WEBINAR

Date & Location: September 12 • ONLINE
Info: Avoid the income rollercoaster by mastering your marketing. Stand out from contractors offering similar services. Move beyond catchy headlines and flashy photos to speaking your customer’s language. To do that, join EBMag and Level Up columnist Andrew Houston to learn specific strategies to help improve this area of your contracting business.
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PCIC 2017 • 64th IEEE Petroleum & Chemical Industry Committee Conference

Date & Location: September 18-20 • Calgary, Alta.
Info: The largest industry conference for the IEEE PCIC committee is being hosted by the IEEE Chapters of Alberta at the Telus Convention Centre, and EBMag will be there!
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AD North American Meeting

Date & Location: September 25-27 • Grapevine (Dallas), Texas
Info: AD is hosting the 2017 North American Meeting of the Electrical Supply Division at the Gaylord Texan Resort, and EBMag will be there!
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ECABC 65th Annual General Meeting

Date & Location: September 29-30 • Victoria, B.C..
Info: In addition to meetings, there will be a presentation by Dave Earle from Construction Labour Relations, evening welcome reception, Gala Dinner on Friday evening, and a special ECABC 65th anniversary dinner and wine pairing at Church & State Wines on Saturday.
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The Cost of Workforce Drugs on your Bottom Line • WEBINAR

Date & Location: October 31 • ONLINE
Info: Prescription drug benefit plans play an important role in employee satisfaction and retention, but their costs continue to rise... Can you sustain them? Join Steve Nowak in this upcoming webinar to learn about the costs and some of the options available to reduce them.
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