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SWD found in several Ontario counties

Weather conditions over the next week are ideal for spotted wing drosophila populations to increase, so growers should ensure pesticide coverage remains steady.

AAFC invests $1.7 million in Quebec ag sustainability projects

Minister of Agriculture Marie-Claude Bibeau recently announced more than $1.7 million in funding for nine projects across Quebec, which will help support innovation within the sector.

Vineland receives nearly $4 million in AAFC funding

On July 7, Neil Ellis, parliamentary secretary to the minister of agriculture, announced nearly $4 million in funding to support four horticultural research projects at Vineland Research and Innovation Centre.
Sponsored Spotlight 

A Healthy Plant with Less Stress.

Fertileader products are combinations of highly available nutrients and our patented Seactiv Complex. The formulations are designed to provide the plant with a critical nutritional and physiological boost at vegetative and reproductive stages during times of stress. Apply Fertileader products during the vegetative growth of your crop to ensure a healthy plant that can tolerate stress. Using this Biostimulant will improve chlorophyll production and improve the vigor of the crop. With multiple trials throughout the province, our Agronomic Technical Consultants are tasked with ensuring proper follow up during the growing season. << Read More.
Featured News 

Organic sector explores priorities in Next Ag Policy Framework

The Next Agriculture Policy Framework is a five-year investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments of up to $3 billion in funding to strengthen and grow Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector. It will replace the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, which will end on March 31, 2023. » Read more...

IWCA Podcast Series: Tina Widowski

Tina M. Widowski has spent more than 25 years investigating the factors that affect the well-being of poultry and livestock as a professor of animal welfare at the University of Guelph. Her extensive research has included findings on growth, efficiency and mortality in broiler chickens, as well as alternative housing systems for chickens. » Read more...
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Annex Bookstore

Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals: Chemistry, Nutritional Value and Stability

Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals: Chemistry, Nutritional Value and Stability provides scientists in the areas of food technology and nutrition with accessible and up-to-date information about the chemical nature, classification and analysis of the main phytochemicals present in fruits and vegetables – polyphenols and carotenoids. Special care is taken to analyze the health benefits of these compounds, their interaction with fiber, antioxidant and other biological activities, as well as the degradation processes that occur after harvest and minimal processing.

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Help us improve the Canadian Fruit & Vegetable Summit

We’re bringing the Canadian Fruit & Vegetable Summit to you virtually again in 2022, and we’ve made a survey to learn how we can help make your virtual event experience the best ever. » Learn more