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U of G researchers say there is hope for improving Canada's soil health

A new Senate report on Canada’s soils raises concerns about the future of food production and biodiversity. But researchers at the University of Guelph say there is hope.

Apple update: May 31

Fruitlets are sizing well across the province, though some lingering bloom can still be found out there in certain cultivars. Growers are also starting to take note of how thinning is shaping up.

Podcast: Conversations from OFVC 2024

Listen in to some snippets from conversations Fruit & Vegetable had with exhibitors and speakers at the Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Convention in February.



Preparing for the season ahead? The newly updated BASF Ag Rewards Horticulture Grower Program for 2024 will help to maximize your savings.

Earn rewards of up to 18% of your purchases

» Click for more details.

Findings from Perennia’s Nova Scotia nematode project

A three-year project – begun in 2021 – sought to address the increasing threat of nematodes in Nova Scotia. Plant parasitic nematodes are microscopic roundworms that feed on roots and can significantly impact crop production. Preliminary sampling in Nova Scotia showed high populations of plant parasitic nematodes in horticultural crops. » Read More...

IWCA podcast: In conversation with Liz Robertson

The first of our 2024 IWCA honouree podcasts features Liz Robertson, executive director of the Canadian Association of Farm Advisors. Robertson’s innovative approach includes attracting and training a diverse range of professionals, from accountants to family coaches, to address the complex needs of Canada’s farmers. » Read More...

The Handbook of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices, and Physiology

The Handbook of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices, and Physiology contains information on cultural practices, nutrition, and physiological processes of cucurbits under both normal and stressful conditions. It presents the history and importance of cucurbit crop production as well as exhaustive information on growth responses of cucurbits to various environmental conditions and nutrients.

» Order Your Copy Today

2024 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series

June 6-27 (various dates) | Virtual »

Ag In Motion

July 16-18 | South of Saskatoon »

Grower Day

June 18 | St. Catharines, Ont. » Learn more

USApple Outlook 2024

August 14-16 | Chicago, IL »