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FEATURED NEWS: Educating from the frontlines: well-driller strategies for raising ground water awareness
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Water service back online for rural customers near Prince Albert, Sask.

Regular water services continue to be restored for communities impacted by a Husky Energy oil spill three weeks ago. CBC News reports. >> Read full article

Geothermal makeover eyed for Alberta’s old O&G wells

Disused oil and gas wells dotting Canada’s energy heartland may bear fruit for Alberta’s farmers under a proposal to use waste heat from the idle facilities to allow crops to grow, even in the country’s harsh winter conditions. The Financial Post reports. >> Read full article

Nestle donates to U of G for ground water research

Nestle Waters Canada has made a $460,000 donation to the G360 Centre for Applied Groundwater Research at the University of Guelph for research into Wellington County’s ground water. CTV News reports. >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 
Drillers Marketplace

Drillers Marketplace page matches buyers with sellers

Attention, drillers! Are you looking to sell a rig, drilling equipment, parts, supplies or services? Need to upgrade your equipment but not in a position to buy brand new? Searching for a reliable worker? Try Ground Water Canada’s Drillers Marketplace. >> Learn More

 Featured News 
Feature News

Educating from the frontlines: well-driller strategies for raising ground water awareness

Well drillers have a role to play in educating and engaging the public, Carolyn Camilleri tells us in a Ground Water Canada web exclusive. >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

Atlantic Canada Waste and Wastewater Association Annual Conference

September 18, 2016
Location: Delta Beausejour Hotel, Moncton, New Brunswick >> More Info

Groundwater Week

Dec. 5-9, 2016
Location: Las Vegas >> More Info

Welding Fundamentals for Well Technicians

January 5, 2017
Location: Fleming College, Lindsay, Ontario >> More Info