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Dec. 27, 2018

Comments invited on Canadian drinking water guidance documents

Health Canada is asking for comments from the public on three guidance documents for drinking water in Canada. Deadlines are in January and February.

USask and NRCan sign MOU to advance water security

The University of Saskatchewan and Natural Resources Canada signed a five-year memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening Canada's commitment to managing its freshwater resources in a time of rapid climate change.

Walkerton centre expands pilot testing services

Ontario's Walkerton Clean Water Centre has added a new pilot-scale water treatment technology to its Technology Demonstration Facility.
Sponsored Spotlight 

Iron Bacteria Issues?
Try BoreSaver ULTRA C!

Throughout Canada, well perforations and pump internals are routinely being plugged by a rusty colored slime. This slime ultimately leads to a decrease in water well efficiency and an increase in energy costs and pump maintenance. The culprit is iron related bacteria.

BoreSaver Ultra C completely removes the iron oxide deposits that build up in bores, wells, pipes and pumps. BoreSaver Ultra C is specifically designed to improve the quality of the water supply, increase the output of the water well, and extends the working life of the pumping equipment.

>> Visit for more information.
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Editor’s top 10 picks for 2018

As we ring in 2019, have a look at these 10 important articles from the past year. » Learn more

OGWA training meeting

Jan. 24, 2019
Location: Walkerton, Ont.
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OGWA training meeting

Jan. 29, 2019
Location: Alliston, Ont.
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National Groundwater Awareness Week

March 10-16, 2019
Location: Canada
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