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A Message from our sponsor
  High survival is only the beginning.  
  Survival should be an expectation, not an exception. But that’s just the beginning. As farmers ourselves, we’re here to make sure your fish and farm thrive, from hatch to harvest. With Riverence salmon & trout eggs, you get premium genetics with proven performance, and success-focused service.

We invite you to try Riverence eggs, and are offering new customers a discounted trial period to experience the Riverence difference!
Click to try Riverence eggs
  We'd love to meet you at booth 10!  
  Survival should be an expectation, not an exception. But that’s just the beginning. As farmers ourselves, we’re here to make sure your fish and farm thrive, from hatch to harvest. With Riverence salmon & trout eggs, you get premium genetics with proven performance, and success-focused service.

We invite you to try Riverence eggs, and are offering new customers a discounted trial period to experience the Riverence difference!
  Enter for a chance to win a signed copy of "Understanding Aquaculture"

The recently released book "Understanding Aquaculture" addresses the controversial aspects of aquaculture, answering common questions about the industry and farmed seafood. Enter for a chance to win a signed copy of this newly released book by Dr Jesse Trushenski, Director of Science at Riverence and its sister company, Evaqua Farms, president of the American Fisheries Society.
Enter to win!
120 State Avenue NE, #1058
Olympia, WA 98501