A Message from our sponsor

Through its commitment to The Science of Healthier Animals®, MSD Animal Health offers veterinarians, farmers, pet owners and governments one of the widest ranges of veterinary pharmaceuticals, vaccines and health management solutions and services as well as an extensive suite of connected technology that includes identification, traceability and monitoring products.

As a leading provider of fish health and innovative technology, MSD Animal Health is expanding their solutions to increase the performance, efficiency, and welfare in fish production and farm management processes for warm water species.

In this webinar, you will learn how our Monitor, Optimize and Benchmark holistic approach combines science and technology so that producers have the solutions to maximize efficiency, productivity, and fish welfare from egg to plate.

Join MSD Animal Health on October 18th to learn how you can ensure fish welfare and sustainability at your hatchery.

2 Giralda Farms
Madison, NJ 07940
United States
Tel: (973) 937-5515