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November 23, 2018

Evolving to standardize

I was asked to address technology change and the often-heard comment that we, as an industry, need a standardized design for recirculating aquaculture systems in order to advance. In my opinion, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Editorial: Training RAS-ready workforce

The growing popularity of RAS has created more demand for specialized operational skills. Producing highly qualified labour able to meet the rapidly changing pace of technology development and market requirements is key.

New appointment at Phibro Animal Health

Phibro Animal Health Corporation has a new North America Aqua Manager. Mark Pierson will be responsible for all U.S. and Canadian aquaculture related sales, including the implementation of a key account strategy for U.S. and Canadian aquafeed mills and fish farms.

New Scottish hatchery will produce 'pure' fish

A 240,000-fish RAS hatchery is nearing completion at the University of Stirling with the promise of producing research-robust stock for use in future research projects across the United Kingdom. The new unit is due to be fully operational by December this year. » Read more

A win for knowledge transfer

Norwegian commercial copepod producer C-FEED is proving success in transitioning research knowledge to industrial application. This year, C-FEED has signed its first commercial scale copepod supply contracts and is aiming for a turnover in the region of 30 million NOK (roughly US$4 million) in 2019. C-FEED is a spin-off company of Norwegian research firm SINTEF. » Read more