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February 15, 2019

U.S. site revealed for new Pure Salmon RAS facility

Singapore-based Pure Salmon is continuing its push to establish a worldwide network of sustainable, land-based salmon farms, with the announcement of a new facility to be built in Tazewell County, Virginia, in the United States, as well as two new potential locations in Europe.

New land-based Atlantic salmon farm coming to California

Nordic Aquafarms has announced plans to build a land-based Atlantic salmon farm in California to be close to the regional markets it plans to serve.

New York town brings once-separate hatchery, nursery into one location

East Hampton Town, New York, U.S.A, is planning a $5-million project to consolidate the town’s shellfish hatchery and nursery operations into one facility on Three Mile Harbor.
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RAStech 2019
The premier event for recirculating aquaculture systems

Featured Session
Shrimp production in RAS This session will cover a variety of topics related to growing shrimp in RAS. Some of the issues being explored include shrimp nutrition, system design and management, biofloc technology, indoor systems, year-round production, and greenhouse production. Some of the world's leading shrimp aquaculture researchers will be presenting here and you won't want to miss it.

This is just one of the many great education topics featured at RAStech 2019 conference on May 13-14 in Washington, DC.

Seats are limited so register early! Register here
Peer Review

Study concludes PRV-infected farmed salmon pose low risk to wild fish

According to a peer review conducted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, farmed salmon that carry and transfer the deadly Piscine Orthoreovirus (PRV) pose a low risk to wild Fraser River sockeye salmon in British Columbia. The review follows news that Canada’s federal court had asked for rule changes that will require PRV testing for juvenile fish before transferring them to open net pens. » Read more

1 in 10 Atlantic salmon will come from RAS by 2030: Billund exec

What seemed as Utopia a few decades ago is now reality: Atlantic salmon is being grown out in land-based facilities and promoted as sustainable alternative to sea cages. Production costs and EBIT/kg are not yet competitive against conventional production, but the gap is progressively narrowing. » Read more

RAStech 2019

May 13-14, 2019 » Read more

Aqua Nor

August 20-23, 2019 » Read more