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July 19, 2019

Research explores hatchery techniques for sea cucumber in Oman

Despite successful outcomes with fertilization, a sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) hatchery trial conducted in Oman resulted in mass mortality during the first few days post-fertilization.

Pure Salmon eyes Africa for next RAS farm

Singapore-based Pure Salmon is investing US$250 million in Africa to build a 20,000-ton land-based salmon farm in the Butha-Buthe Highland region of the Kingdom of Lesotho.

Microalgae RAS Since 1999

Producing the Right Inputs for Fish, Bivalve & Shrimp Hatcheries
Reed Mariculture is the world's largest producer of marine microalgae concentrates. Our inland RAS farm produces microalgae and zooplankton for your system that are:
• Biosecure & Pathogen-Free
• Clean & Consistent

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High hopes for new trout disease vaccine in Scotland

A consortium of fish farmers and aquaculture research organizations in Scotland have teamed up to develop a commercial vaccine for Rainbow Trout Fry Syndrome, a pervasive disease among trout. » Read more
Reef restoration

Reef restoration

Native flat oysters (Ostrea angasi) have never been a popular table shellfish amongst Australia’s European settlers. They were once plentiful and a major part of Indigenous cuisine around Melbourne’s Port Phillip Bay, as well as an important water filtering component of the ecology. But the burning for limestone in the early days of the colony, the more recent scallop dredging, and the invasion of the Northern Pacific seastar have seen their numbers hugely depleted. Efforts are currently underway to restore the reefs in Port Phillip Bay and one hatchery in Victoria is taking a lead role. » Read more

Aqua Nor

August 20-23, 2019 » Read more