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July 26, 2019

Investigating low salinity in rearing spotted seatrout

Protocols of spawning and larviculture of the spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), which are currently performed at high salinity, could be done at low salinity, according to a study by graduate student, Eric Gigli, at the University of Southern Mississippi’s Thad Cochran Marine Aquaculture Center.

Understanding oxygen delivery systems

Despite its critical nature, very few people who work at a hatchery understand the oxygen delivery system and how it works.

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Analyzing genetics and environment for optimal performance

Performance of genetically improved stock of Atlantic salmon differs between regions in Chile, according to a data analysis of Hendrix Genetics’ breeding program. Large differences were found in the ranking of families from the breeding program for the expected performance in Chile’s region 11 and region 12. » Read more
John Supan

Profile: Oyster expert finds his niche

After 30-plus years of giving lectures, managing the oyster hatchery, and training growers the techniques to produce oyster seed from larvae, retirement would have been an opportunity for John Supan to make a fresh start at possibly something unrelated to his academic career. But he didn’t, and perhaps couldn’t, walk away from the world of oysters. » Read more

Aqua Nor

August 20-23, 2019 » Read more