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October 25, 2019
Reed Mariculture

Newfoundland to build Canada’s first cleaner fish hatchery

The company that plans to build Canada’s first lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) hatchery in Marystown, Newfoundland and Labrador, is expecting to commence construction by middle of next year, with lumpfish ready for first shipment by 2021.

Essential oils beneficial to fish while in transit: study

Using essential oils to reduce stress in larvae, fingerling and broodstock during transit is more ideal than utilizing synthetic compounds, according to a new report published in Frontiers in Physiology.

PR Aqua brings Hydrotech to North America

PR Aqua has entered into an exclusive partnership with Hydrotech to bring their products to North American fish farmers.
Top 10 Under 40 
Top 10 Under 40

Fernando Cavalin: Blue thumb

To be a great teacher, one must first become a willing and attentive student. Much of Fernando Cavalin’s success as a hatchery professional at a relatively young age comes from learning under the tutelage of some of the best hatchery professionals in the world. Learn More

Fishers to farmers

Wild fish capture is still king in Alaska, where growing fin fish is illegal. That leaves mariculture, the farming of all other aquatic species, to balance the highly seasonal work of ocean fishing. Oysters are the top cultured species in the state. But the industry for sugar kelp (saccharina) and ribbon kelp (alaria) is expanding. » Read more
Kelp farming

Kelp farming in Alaska traces roots to hatcheries

Alaska’s burgeoning kelp farming industry has its success tied to two hatcheries and a law. Blue Evolution is working under a collaborative research and development agreement with NOAA to use the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center hatchery to grow the kelp seed that the company will supply to growers on partner farms. » Read more

70th Annual NWFCC

Dec. 3 – 5, 2019 » Read more