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New RAS Talk podcast: Made in Maine

RAS Talk is the newest podcast presented by RASTech magazine, Hatchery International’s sister publication. In this first episode, listen to Eric Heim, president of Nordic Aquafarms, discuss his company’s journey to establish a US$500-million land-based aquaculture facility in Belfast, Maine. Listen to the podcast now.

Hatcheries feel the heat from Australia’s raging bush fires

It’s often been said that the aquaculture industry – being extremely sensitive to changing conditions – is the canary down the mine for the impact of climate change. In Australia, the uncontrollable fires currently raging, as of this writing, began in early September following years of below average rainfall and three consecutive years of searing drought. The hatchery sector, relying as it does on sales to the grow-out sector, is not just directly vulnerable to fire damage but is affected by what happens in other parts of the industry.

Skin test determines giant grouper broodstock sex

A non-invasive method of determining sex of giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) broodstock has been developed by an international collaborative project between the Philippines, Vietnam and Australia.
Feature Stories 
Oughterard Hatchery

Invasive species threaten ecosystem around world’s oldest running trout hatchery

The Oughterard Trout Hatchery, located in its namesake town in Ireland, has been around for almost 120 years and has had its fair share of ups and downs. But nothing compares to what it is currently facing, according to hatchery manager John Gibbons. » Read more
Finding Middle Ground

Finding a middle ground

Conflict between environmental groups and the aquaculture industry is nothing new. The industry around the world is regularly met with harsh criticisms from activists over alleged environmental impacts. Is the aquaculture industry doing enough to address these concerns? And is there any common ground to be found with these groups? » Read more
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Reed Mariculture


Aquaculture America 2020

Feb. 9–12, 2020
Hawaii Convention Centre
1801 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815, USA
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Fish International

February 9 - February 11, 2020
Bremen, Germany
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Aquaculture Innovation Workshop 2020

April 30 - May 1, 2020
The Roosevelt Hotel New York, NY
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RAStech 2020

Nov. 16-17, 2020
South Carolina, USA
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