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Reed Mariculture

RAS in B.C. ready for primetime, but challenges remain: report

Land-based salmon farming is ready for commercial development in Canada’s British Columbia, as its sea-based counterparts – offshore and floating, closed containment systems – are still years away from commercial viability.

New genotyping tool for shrimp

The Center of Aquaculture Technologies takes genotyping to the next level with almost 50,000 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms in one applicable tool.

Joining forces for shrimp sustainability

Singapore-based UMITRON has partnered with the world’s largest shrimp business enterprise, Charoan Pokphans Foods Company (CP Food), to develop its sustainable model for shrimp aquaculture.
Feature Stories 

Sorting through aquaculture’s big data problem

Aquaculture has a big data problem. Wittaya Aqua CEO Evan Hall says too many facilities are still relying on pen and paper, or disorganized Excel spreadsheets, to log their daily operations. » Read more
Nikolsk Hatchery

Russia’s oldest hatchery supports Russian stock enhancement programs

Novgorod-based Nikolsk Hatchery is the oldest hatchery in Russia and one of the oldest in Europe. The facility is traditionally considered as a cornerstone of Russian fish farming science and a great-grandparent of all hatcheries in the country. These days the hatchery is working hard to keep up with the times, according to Elena Stepanova, director of the Nikolsk hatchery. » Read more
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Aquaculture America 2020

Feb. 9–12, 2020
Hawaii Convention Centre
1801 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815, USA
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Fish International

February 9 - February 11, 2020
Bremen, Germany
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Aquaculture Innovation Workshop 2020

April 30 - May 1, 2020
The Roosevelt Hotel New York, NY
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RAStech 2020

Nov. 16-17, 2020
South Carolina, USA
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